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The Chinese painter Yu Deming (1972, Kaihua, Zhe Jiang province) is self-taught. His first beginnings in art were the drawings he made in his parental home on floors and walls. His parents, who were poor workers, saw his desire to further develop his painting skills but were unable to pay for an art education for him. For Yu Deming, this was no reason to give up drawing and painting.
Yu Deming has been working as an independent painter for over 20 years now. In the tradition of many beginning Chinese artists, he mainly copied the great European masters in the early years. And so the painter developed his talent and vision of great painting. Yu Deming has now far surpassed the stage of copying. As an independent painter, he has conquered a place in the Chinese art scene with his refined and characteristic works, in which landscapes are his preference.
Mostly painted on panel, using traditional tempera techniques and placed in atmospheric frames, Yu Deming's works are particularly charming pieces. Painted fluently and with daring, the colours and brushwork are reminiscent of the great European masters of the past..