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Colorful work by the Belgian Paule Nolens from Hasselt. Fitting in this period of the Olympic Games.
From 1942 to 1945 she received private drawing lessons from sculptor Nina Jascinsky, who introduced her to the work of Paul Gauguin. From 1945 she trained at the Higher Institute for Decorative Arts (École nationale supérieure des arts visuels) in Ter Kameren Abbey.
Here she was taught by Charles Counhaye in mural painting and tapestry. In 1951 she became a drawing teacher in Genk and Tongeren. In 1952 she started a studio, where she made drawings, paintings and stained glass windows.
In 1959 she left for the United States where she designed and exhibited stained glass windows and mosaics. In 1960 she returned to Belgium and in 1961 she founded the Helikon Art Group together with Pierre Cox, Robert Vandereycken, Walter Vilain and Amand Van Rompaey. In 1965 she also started making etchings. Some of her art is religious in nature. For example, in 1958 she painted a mural in the St. Joseph's Church in Sledderlo.