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Mark VERDOES (The Hague 1960) Verdoes trained in Photographic Design at the School of Photography and Photonics in The Hague, later training in Drawing & Painting at the Royal Academy of Art. Lives and works in Wageningen and also has a studio in India. After his first training, Mark Verdoes worked as a reportage photographer for AvantGarde and Esquire, among others. Shortly after 2000, however, he sought new creative challenges and started painting and sculpting, for which he trained at the KABK. After working in a studio for a number of years, Verdoes had the urge to take photographs again. However, the knowledge of form, paint and composition that he had acquired through painting influenced his ideas about photography. Since then, Verdoes has felt free to adjust the color, lighting and the like of photos taken. The result is a cross between photography and painting, often inspired by the Tao and nature: Verdoes likes to call it 'visual poetry'. Exhibitions and prizes: Mark Verdoes' work has been exhibited in Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates, among others.