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Gea Karhof - 1999 34/90
In this etching by Gea Karhof (1945), comic book heroes such as Donald Duck and film divas like Marilyn Monroe appear alongside symbols from ancient cultures.
Gea Karhof combines them with written texts in kaleidoscopic compositions. She liked to experiment and always printed her own etchings in brown tones and then colored them in by hand. She makes extensive use of gold and silver, also because of the association with ancient cultures. In her work, she creates connections between the present and the past.
The fact that in this day and age - through travel, the internet and media - we are able to see the world as a whole.
In this beautiful etching 'Towards a new millennium' you can find texts by Nostradamus, prehistoric drawings and spaceships. But also Lara Croft and a virtual woman.