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Experimentele Groep

Founded in 1948


The Experimental Group

The Experimental Group was a group of artists that united in 1948. The group experimented with new colours, shapes, materials and subjects. The organ of the group was a leaf called Reflex, and sometimes the Experimental Group was called Reflex. This magazine contained a 'manifesto' with all the principles of the group. This manifesto also remained of great importance to the Cobra group. One of the founders of the Experimental Group, Constant Nieuwenhuys, writes extensively about the social role of the artist and in his articles he calls for the liberation of creativity and fantasy. He wants a new society with new art. Finally, later in 1948, the Dutch Experimental Group merged with the Danish Høst group and the Belgian Groupe Surréaliste Révolutionaire into the Cobra group.

Buy Lucebert - Paradijs? Bid from 1500!
Lucebert (1924-1994) Dutch Paradise
Technique Etching
Dimensions 83 x 63 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Eugène Brands - Woman (origineel werk)? Bid from 1200!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Woman (original work)
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 70 x 60 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Eugène Brands - Gouache -stilleven in grijze toon - 1980, gesigneerd en verso? Bid from 1800!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Gouache -still life in gray tone - 1980
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 60 x 70 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Cardboard
Framed Framed
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Buy Eugène Brands - Gouache op papier - gemonogrammeerd l.o.? Bid from 1750!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Gouache
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 63 x 73 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - Italian Suite 2004? Bid from 1550!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Italian Suite 2004
Technique Terragraph
Dimensions 69 x 85 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Textile
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - "Italian Suite 2004"? Bid from 1550!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian "Italian Suite 2004"
Technique Terragraph
Dimensions 85 x 63 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Textile
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - Portret uit 1945. Oost-Indische inkt, aquarel en houtskool op papier.? Bid from 4500!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Portret uit 1945. Oost-Indische inkt, aquarel en houtskool op papier.
Technique Aquarelle
Dimensions 49 x 34 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Constant - Ingelijste aquarel: 'Rustende amazone' - 1987? Bid from 4750!
Constant (1920-2005) Dutch Framed watercolor: 'Resting Amazon' - 1987
Technique Aquarelle
Dimensions 49 x 55 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - Cobra vloerkleed? Bid from 1600!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Cobra rug
Technique Other
Dimensions 200 x 200 x 5 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Printed signature
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Buy Eugène Brands - Olieverf op papier - 1957? Bid from 2950!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Oil on paper - 1957
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 64 x 66.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Eugène Brands - Ingelijste olieverf: Portret met een vogel op de achtergrond - 1957? Bid from 2395!
Eugène Brands (1913-2002) Dutch Framed oil painting: Portrait with a bird in the background - 1957
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 69 x 70.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - ingelijst naakt -2001? Bid from 1650!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian framed nude -2001
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 44.5 x 38.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Karel Appel - 2 tekeningen op een blad: Hugo Claus en Karel Appel? Bid from 1500!
Karel Appel (1921-2006) Dutch 2 drawings on one sheet: Hugo Claus and Karel Appel
Technique Pencil
Dimensions 29 x 23 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Corneille - Ellen? Bid from 1400!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Ellen
Technique Pastel/Crayon
Dimensions 83 x 63 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Japanese Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Constant - Het Proces? Bid from 1100!
Constant (1920-2005) Dutch The Process
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 75 x 61 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Lucebert - abstract cobra figuur? Bid from 1950!
Lucebert (1924-1994) Dutch abstract cobra figure
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 68 x 82 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - Signed Keramische Menorah? Bid from 2150!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Signed Ceramic Menorah
Technique Ceramic
Dimensions 31 x 28 x 7 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
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Buy Corneille - Zeefdruk op canvas: De vrije vogel, 2008? Bid from 1800!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Silkscreen on canvas: The free bird, 2008
Technique Mixed printing techniques
Dimensions 76 x 92 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Textile
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - Schoonheid op de sofa, 2002? Bid from 4000!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Beauty on the sofa, 2002
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 73.5 x 65.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
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Buy Corneille - Oude Cobra-tekening: De Badgasten - 1949? Bid from 2500!
Corneille (1922-2010) Oude Cobra-tekening: De Badgasten - 1949
Technique Pencil
Dimensions 29.5 x 29.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Corneille - De maan, gouache op papier, 1969? Bid from 1800!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian De maan, gouache op papier, 1969
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 26 x 15 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Corneille - Variaties op enkele lijnen, 1959? Bid from 3000!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Variations on some lines, 1959
Technique Pen (Ink)
Dimensions 31 x 41 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Tilly - Twee originele tekeningen, 1945? Bid from 2500!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Tilly - Two original drawings, 1945
Technique Brush (Ink)
Dimensions 20.5 x 27.7 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Corneille - Paysage Minéralogique, 1960 - Uniek stuk Met de hand ingekleurde litho? Bid from 2000!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Mineralogical Landscape, 1960 - Single piece with hand-painted lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 56 x 45 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Corneille - Landschap van Limburg, 1945? Bid from 2500!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Landscape of Limburg, 1945
Technique Charcoal
Dimensions 30 x 40 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Corneille - Femme a la Fleur? Bid from 1000!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Woman with Flower
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 123 x 123 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Karel Appel - Gesigneerde litho? Bid from 1650!
Karel Appel (1921-2006) Dutch Signed lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 35 x 55 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Corneille - Aquagravure "La vie en rose' - 2008? Bid from 2000!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Aquagravure "La vie en rose" - 2008
Technique Serigraph
Dimensions 56 x 76 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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